Foundations of Music

Foundations of Music


42 Songs About Unrequited love indie (Pop, Rap & More)

I. Pop Songs About Unrequited love indie 1. I’m Not the Only One by Sam Smith The song is about a man who is in a relationship with a woman who is cheating on him. He is trying to convince himself that he is not the only one who is[…]

51 Songs About Unfairness (Pop, Rap & More)

I. Rock Songs About Unfairness 1. The Times They Are A-Changin’ by Bob Dylan The song is about how the world is constantly changing and how people need to change with it. Dylan sings about how the old ways of doing things are no longer effective and how people need[…]

48 Songs About Underage girls (Pop, Rap & More)

I. Christian Songs About Underage girls 1. Brave by Sara Bareilles The song is about a person who is facing a difficult situation and is feeling scared. The person is trying to be brave and is telling themselves that they can do it. II. Country Songs About Underage girls 1.[…]

38 Songs About Transgender (Pop, Rap & More)

I. Pop Songs About Transgender 1. Born This Way by Lady Gaga The song is about being proud of who you are, no matter what anyone else says. It’s about being comfortable in your own skin and not caring what others think. 2. Girls Just Want to Have Fun by[…]

54 Songs About Traffic (Pop, Rap & More)

I. Latest Songs About Traffic 1. Back in Traffic by Hit-Boy The song is about a person who is trying to get their life back on track after being in a bad place. The person is trying to make things right and get back to where they were before. II.[…]