32 Songs About Eating Disorders & Weight Insecurities
In 1963, Mahalia Jackson released a song called, “Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen.” After many decades, these words still ring true.
We often don’t know what a person is struggling with, even musicians. They will often use their music to give us insight into their struggles. Many of them have been candid about their struggles with eating disorders and insecurities about their bodies.
In this article, we’ve listed songs that deal with eating disorders and body insecurities.

I. New songs about eating disorders (2020, 2021)
Musicians and artists have always used their music to open up about their struggles with eating disorders and deal with their bodies’ insecurities.
1) Day by Day
“Day by day” is a heart-wrenching song that tells the story of a woman who struggles with anxiety and Bulimia Nervosa.
2) Girl Within The Ghost
“Girl Within The Ghost” was written by ElysianSoul, a recovered anorexic. In this song, she describes the pain of someone ElysianSoul wrote girl Within The Ghost
3) Sober
Demi Lovato has been candid about her struggles with her body and weight. She has been outspoken against the toxic comments on her weight.
II. Songs about eating too much
Not all songs about food and eating have dark themes. In some cases, songs about eating and food can be cheerful and have a good time.
1) Peaches
2) Dinner Bell
3) Cigarettes & Chocolate Milk
4) Eggs & Sausage
5) Savoy Truffle
6) Milk & Cereal
III. Songs about weight insecurities
Struggling with weight insecurities can debilitating affect a person’s mental health. This isn’t just for anyone who isn’t a celebrity.
Musicians who are in the spotlight have to deal with their struggles in the public’s view. Musical artists in these situations will often turn to their music to deal with their struggles.
1) Courage
The former Superchick band member, Melissa Brock, wrote “Courage” to show the harmfuleffects of anorexia.
2) Video
Musician India Arie wrote “Video” to express self-love and body positivity. She had struggled with insecurities about the shape of her body.
3) My Body is a Cage
4) I Hate My Body
“I Hate My Body” describes someone’s struggles with anxiety and their struggles with accepting their body. Cohen uses lines, “My body’s breaking. Am I not too young to need a replacement?”
5) Ana’s Song (Open Fire)
Decades later, “Ana’s Song (Open Fire)” remains one of the most influential songs about dealing with health and anorexia.
6) 6/10
7) Car Park
IV. Vocaloid songs about eating disorders
Some Vocaloid songs sound upbeat but deal with dark themes such as anxiety and eating disorders.
1) My Pride
2) Appetite of a People-Pleaser
3) ANORE-XIA Kotoba Project feat. MEIKO V3
4) Sweet Prison
5) Over ✖ dosage
V. Songs about food for toddlers
Some parents might believe it’s never too early to teach their children to have a positive attitude regarding food.
1) Bananaphone
2) The Super-Supper March
3) Piranha
4) You’ve Got Food on Your Face
5) Fruit Salad Serenade
6) Hungry, Hungry Herbivore
VI. Songs with hungry in the lyrics
Not all songs with the words “hungry” or “hunger” in their title or lyrics are about food. These words can also mean desire and ambition to do better or keep going.
1) Hungry
This song was released while Fergie went through her separation from her Josh Duhamel. It’s about overcoming obstacles in one’s life.
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