40 Songs about Love at First Sight (Rock, R&B, Rap/Hip & More)
Love is something we all crave, but an instant connection that leads to lasting love is close to a fairytale.
Whether or not you believe it’s possible to fall for someone that quickly, you can’t deny that the music inspired by instant attraction is loveable and romantic.

- I. Popular songs about love at first sight
- II. Latest songs about love at first sight
- III. R&B songs about love at first sight
- IV. Rock songs about love at first sight
- V. Rap/hip hop songs about love at first sight
- VI. Country songs about love at first sight
- VII. Songs about falling in love unexpectedly
- VIII. Songs about love at first sight lyrics
I. Popular songs about love at first sight
The songs that popularize love at first sight are all about the first look – what was she wearing, how is he different from all the rest, can you make them yours? These songs sing all about it.
1) Love at First Sight
2) The Way You Look Tonight
Sinatra and romance go hand in hand. In this song Frank knows this moment, the first look of his love, is the one that he will remember fondly forever.
3) Love at First Sight
4) Be My Baby
“The night we met, I knew I needed you so.”
The Ronettes capture their desire and commitment in this fun and upbeat hit.
II. Latest songs about love at first sight
Modern love looks different in the 2020s, but the instant connection remains the same. The immediate desire and longing make us desperate for more.
1) I Met Sarah in the Bathroom
A cute song about young lesbian love found at a party: when you’re young and discovering your sexuality, sometimes a “daredevil” will come along.
2) Say You Won’t Let Go
3) Everything Has Changed
4) Fire in the Sky
Is there a better setting than a 4th of July fireworks display for a love at first sight meeting? No, probably not.
III. R&B songs about love at first sight
Where other genres might romanticize the ‘chase,’ these songs rather assert that this love is soon to be there’s and there can’t be any other outcome of this desire.
1) The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
2) Penny Lover
3) I’m Your Baby Tonight
4) Isn’t She Lovely
The definition of “love at first sight” is given a sweet new meaning when meeting your newborn child.
IV. Rock songs about love at first sight
The feelings of frustration and desperation of finding love at first sight are expressed best through these indie and rock songs.
1) Love at First Sight
2) First Day of My Life
3) Lady In Red
4) I’m With You
V. Rap/hip hop songs about love at first sight
Suppose you’re a critic of instant connections, then this genre’s songs are not for you. Nowhere else is the raw need and desire more obviously stated than in these rap lyrics. Love might not be possible at first sight, but there’s no doubt that lust at first sight occurs.
1) Love in This Club
2) Yo (Excuse Me, Miss)
3) Love @ First Sight
4) Doo-Wop (That Thing)
Instead of a tender love story, this Lauryn Hill hit warns the listener about ‘lust at first sight.’ In the genre where musicians shouldn’t waste words, this rap is a careful reminder to young romantic women to take care of their hearts.
5) Knock You Down
VI. Country songs about love at first sight
This genre loves to write about love at first sight. Listen closely to these cowboys and cowgirls if you want sweet, romantic, nostalgic, and emotional songs.
1) I’m A Believer
2) I Met A Girl
3) Love Story
4) I Saw Her Standing There
5) You Had Me From Hello
6) Look At Me
7) Sea of Love
8) Sold (The Grundy County Auction Incident)
9) Heartache on The Dance Floor
10) Change Your Name
VII. Songs about falling in love unexpectedly
Love at first sight might be rare, but many people find themselves falling for someone more quickly than expected. Those first few weeks together seem to mean so much, and the music these feelings bring is good.
1) Can’t Help Falling In Love
2) Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)
3) Met A Girl
4) Somebody To You
VIII. Songs about love at first sight lyrics
If you want to believe a little more in magic connections, read into these lyrics, and you just might become a true believer.
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