40 Songs about Being Yourself
Oscar Wilde once said, “Be yourself, everyone else is taken”.
Do you ever get tired of trying to live up to the expectations of others? Of trying to meet some unspoken standard and never quite getting it? Do you wish that you could just break free and be who you really are without recrimination? You’re not alone. We have put together 40 songs for you to enjoy from artists all encouraging you to break free little bird, and fly!

- I. Latest songs about being yourself (2020,2021)
- II. 80s songs about being yourself
- III. R&B songs about being yourself
- IV. Rock songs about being yourself
- V. Rap/Hip Hop songs about self-love
- VI. Country songs about finding yourself
- VII. Disney songs about being yourself
- VIII. Songs about self-worth
- IX. Songs about self-discovery
- X. Songs about self-love
I. Latest songs about being yourself (2020,2021)
After the last couple of years of what the world has been through, all of us have had to do a bit of a reality check about our lives and figure out what’s next. Here is our song selection from current artists and stuff from the past that’s still popular today, to help you on your quest of being yourself, come what may.
1) Love Yourself
2) I Love Me
3) You Should See Me In A Crown
4) Titanium
II. 80s songs about being yourself
The idea of being yourself has been a long time coming with legends from the 80s having something to say about it as they face the ever-changing world of music and the times. People come and go, but you can continue to be yourself. We’ve even included the theme song from Annie, originally an 80’s classic.
1) Don’t Stop Me Now
2) Don’t Stop Believin’
3) Tomorrow
4) Living Inside Myself
III. R&B songs about being yourself
We thank this powerful lineup of lovely ladies, all well-versed in the art of self-love and being yourself regardless of the cost. Be inspired by our song selection, as you belt out the lyrics to smooth beats with them!
1) Pushover
2) No Scrubs
3) Greatest Love Of All
4) Can I Get An Amen
IV. Rock songs about being yourself
Foot pumping, hair whipping, electric guitar attitude all over the place with our rock song selection of being yourself! Grab your leather jacket and strut that pavement like you own it! In the immortal words of Queen, “I’m gonna go, go, go, there’s no stopping me!”.
1) Shake It Off
2) F**kin Perfect
3) Free To Be Me
4) The Middle
V. Rap/Hip Hop songs about self-love
Through hardships, trials, and lives riddled with violence and trauma – it is awesome to see these artists rise from the ashes as they discover how to love themselves despite all they’ve been through. No matter anyone’s expectation of you, or whether you measure up to what they want, you’ll find a selection of songs below that you can relate to.
1) Self Love
2) Just Fine (Main)
3) Good As Hell
4) Unpretty
In this song, Chilli talks about a girl’s inner beauty. It’s talking to people who say others are ugly. The song and music video show Chilli singing about trying to satisfy her boyfriend in what he wants from her physical beauty, like breast implants, etc.
VI. Country songs about finding yourself
Do you feel lost sometimes? Or have you been through some stuff in life that makes you just question who you are? You’re not alone, we’re all on the same road to finding ourselves. And if country music is to your taste, then you’ll enjoy the song selection we have for you.
1) Find Myself
2) Choices
3) Riser
4) Find Yourself
VII. Disney songs about being yourself
Ah! Good Old Disney! Where would we be without it? Thankfully, they keep partnering with brilliant singer/songwriters to produce hits throughout the decades. Is there nothing they don’t have a song about? Of course, when it comes to encouragement to be who we are; they never fail to deliver.
1) Touch The Sky
2) I Am Moana
3) Go The Distance
4) On My Way
VIII. Songs about self-worth
If nobody appreciates you for who you are, then at least you can. Besides, your worth or value is not in the opinion and responses of others towards you. Who died and made them King? Who says that the standards they set, should be the standards we meet? Check out our really cool song selection of being your best self now!
1) Love Myself
2) Born This Way
3) Scars To Your Beautiful
4) This Is Me
IX. Songs about self-discovery
How are you going to do anything worthwhile if you don’t even know who you are and what you stand for and why? Check out our song list below from artists who sing about their journey of self-discovery and how with their own realization of who they are, they can change the world.
1) Self Discovery
2) Self Discovery
3) Change The World
4) Stop Doing That
X. Songs about self-love
In a world where everyone is being told to put themselves first and to love who they are, how they are, and why they are; many musicians and singers deliver with music for you to sing along with and get better at self-appreciation. Sing like no one is watching, and if they are – who cares?
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