
Foundations of Music


49 Songs About Taking care of yourself (Pop, Rap & More)

I. Latest Songs About Taking care of yourself 1. I Love Me by Demi Lovato The song is about Demi Lovato’s journey of self-love and acceptance. She talks about how she has been through a lot in her life and has come out stronger because of it. She loves herself[…]

17 Songs About Tana mongeau (Pop, Rap & More)

I. Latest Songs About Tana mongeau 1. Four Loko by GOD HATES LIL PHAG The song is about the dangers of Four Loko, an alcoholic energy drink. It warns of the dangers of the drink, which can lead to blackouts and hospitalization. 2. Onlyfans by Onlyfans Onlyfans is a song[…]

65 Songs About Television (Pop, Rap & More)

I. Christian Songs About Television 1. I Can Only Imagine by MercyMe The song is about a person imagining what it will be like to be in heaven. The person imagines being in a beautiful place with no more pain or suffering. They imagine being reunited with loved ones who[…]

72 Songs About Spiritual awakening (Pop, Rap & More)

I. R&B Songs About Spiritual awakening 1. A Change Is Gonna Come by Sam Cooke “A Change Is Gonna Come” is a song by Sam Cooke, released in December 1964 on RCA Victor. Written in response to the Civil Rights Movement, it has been referred to as “a declaration of[…]

38 Songs About Terrorists (Pop, Rap & More)

I. Latest Songs About Terrorists 1. Terrorist by Beyoncé The song is about the horror of terrorism, and the pain that survivors feel. Beyoncé sings from the perspective of someone who has lost loved ones to terrorism, and who is now living in fear. The song is a call for[…]

37 Songs About Squirrels (Pop, Rap & More)

I. Pop Songs About Squirrels 1. The Squirrel Song by The Wiggles The Wiggles’ “The Squirrel Song” is a fun and catchy tune all about, you guessed it, squirrels! The song is set to a upbeat tempo and talks about all the different things squirrels like to do, from eating[…]

43 Songs About The berlin wall (Pop, Rap & More)

I. Country Songs About The berlin wall 1. The Times They Are A-Changin’ by Bob Dylan The song is about how the world is constantly changing and how people need to change with it. Dylan sings about how the old ways of doing things are no longer effective and how[…]

61 Songs About Standing up for what is right (Pop, Rap & More)

I. Christian Songs About Standing up for what is right 1. We Will Stand by Russ Taff This song is a ballad about standing together and fighting for what’s right, no matter what the odds are. It’s a song about hope, and about never giving up. 2. I Will Stand[…]

43 Songs About The bronx (Pop, Rap & More)

I. Latest Songs About The bronx 1. The Bronx Is Back by Cuban Link The Bronx Is Back is a song by Cuban Link that is all about the borough of the Bronx in New York City. The song is about how the Bronx is making a comeback and how[…]

70 Songs About Star wars (Pop, Rap & More)

I. R&B Songs About Star wars 1. Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey The song is about a man who is down on his luck and is trying to make his way in the world. He is told by someone that he should never give up on his dreams and to[…]